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Basketball Hoops
Basketball Hoop Guidelines:
- Basketball hoops cannot be stored on the street, the grass strip between the sidewalk and the street, or on the sidewalk.
- Basketball hoops must be upright at all times.
- Basketball hoops must be filled with water or sand. Putting items (like sandbags, cinder blocks, etc.) on top of the base is not acceptable.
- Basketball hoops must be kept in good condition.
HOA Facebook Group
The Board of Directors has created a new Facebook group for homeowners. We will post updates and news in the group rather than on the previous HOA page. Membership will be limited to current Barker Lake residents and addresses will be verified with HCAD to limit scam/bot accounts. Please request to join here: https://www.facebook.com/share/pKMgtnGzA4uUyChW/?mibextid=K35XfP
Reminder - Trash Cans
In view of the recent increase in deed restriction violations related to trash & recycling cans, the HOA Board of Directors wanted to share a reminder about trash can storage guidelines.
Trash and recycling cans must be stored in a place where they are fully hidden from the street view, except on trash pick up days.
Examples of acceptable storage locations:
- In your garage
- Behind your fence
Trash cans are not permitted to be stored behind bushes, in front of your fence, in front of your garage or any other locations that are visible from the street.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping Barker Lake beautiful!
Are you planning on updating the exterior of your property?
Removing trees from your front yard? Replacing your roof, new fence, adding a pool, painting your siding?..... the list can go on.
Well, you need to complete an Exterior Modification Request
Here is a link to the community architectural guidelines
Pooper Scooper Laws
We would like to remind all of our Homeowners that they need to clean up after their dogs.
Homeowner Communication from the HOA
The Barker Lake HOA website is the official communication means for all matters to our Homeowners.